Thank you both for a wonderful couple of hours.
With all the fun we had you would have thought we were out and about all morning - but just a couple of hours and loads of fun AND crafty inspiration.
I love it when you can purchase from other crafters things you know you would never make - like the wool broach I bought for my mom for her birthday - or the hand painted pitcher which was an upcycle. Both wonderful items that I would never do .... but the pin cushions in the glass "jar" well THAT was totally doable.
After browsing through and purchasing a few items at Market Day we hit the downtown Salvation Army. The main purpose was to find glassware to convert to a pincushion we had seen from one seller at Market Day. Here are my main two purchases.

The bottom photo are both items matched up with a sweater from my sewing stash.
Then it was time to start measuring and sewing. I cut out circle pieces -- and a section of sleeve from an old long-sleeved t-shirt to make the main body of the pin cushing. A few dried beans in to the bottom of each glass "jar" for extra weight. Some fiber-fill I had on hand (I swear it's so old it's probably considered vintage) and then some fabric glue around the edges of the sweater to hold it in.

The top photo show the circle pieces cut out and ready to go -- the bottom photo I'm sewing the portion of t-shirt sleeve to the pincushion top.
VIOLA! Here are the finished pincushions!
Mom got the blue one.I have the green one ... green is one of my fav colors but I would have kept either one.... I gave her the choice -- well -- after I had given her the blue one -- I asked if she would rather have the green. What a good mom -- she kept the blue.
Aren't they cute?!